Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pesta Sematan 2012

Salam all....its hard for me to type here because i have problem with my keyboard. The 'h' cannot simply use that make me difficult to say a words or statement that have 'h' in it. I have to press it very hard again and again until it appear but I think its better now than before. Lets forget about that. Today I want to share with you about my activity on last Sunday. My parents and I went to Sematan for 'Pesta Sematan 2012'. Owh going together as usual is Amoi and my two lovely naughty boys hehe. We arrived there at about 11am which mean they are almost finish with whatever programmes they are doing so we just look around and found nothing interesting. My mom stuck at one stall which had one slogan that really make my mom's day. You want to know what it is? Its 'LELONG RM1'....hahahahaha
He did bought something from the stall. In front of the stall, there is one old man selling durian which makes me so craving of it and there goes my RM10 for 3pcs. Quite nice though.
I did take some picture of the events but I still not download it. Will upload once done hehe.
There is still a lots I want to share with you today but my time is up. Its almost midnite and I need to sleep right now. 
See you soon.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Masak masak

Sekali lagi, saya muncul setelah lama menghilangkan diri. Kali ini saya hendak berkongsi cerita mengenai masak-masak dan makan-makan. Saya suka nanggar rancangan masak-masak, suka baca resipi, surf pasal resipi, youtube pasal masak-masak tapi yang herannya saya tok sik juak pandey2 masak. Heran sungguh. Ehem...mun masak cincai2 ya ok lah. Salah satu nya adalah seperti pic dibah tok. Saksikan hehehe.
Lebih banyak akan di post (mcm byk gilak) tak lama lagi tapi bukan semua yang saya masak yer. Oder punya tapi tak pe janji sodap. Til then. C U.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hari Raya 2012

Raya tahun tok sik best. Sekda berjarah kedak biasa. Macam ambik cuti biasa jak. Dah lah aku baruk jak menempuhi saat-saat getir dalam hidup..semoga tuhan sentiasa di sisi aku sentiasa memaafkan segala kesilapan dan dosa yang ku lakukan. Amin.
Kinek tok aku tengah sakit belakang. Badan sakit2. Rasa nak pergi berurut jak tapi sekda orang teman huhu.Ada tapi macam sekda.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kerja kosong

Fuhhh.....lega! Baruk jak abis apply online vacancy tek. Susah ada jak. Bukan susah nak apply, tapi susah nak get online. Sik dapat bukak lah. Problem explorer lah. Last2 pinjam kelik aku pun baruk dapat. Post kecik jak tapi mun dapat pun ok juak. Kemudahan pinjaman rumah ya cerah lahhh...heheh.
Aku sik dapat lamak tok. Kelik ku sorang dah nak balit. Seram aku tinggal sorang2 kat opis tok. Byeeee...

Friday, May 25, 2012

New Stories of me

Its been a while since I wrote in here. I had a busy month. Started with the loss of Sedi's grandfather, then have clinic appointment next Monday. Some more my company have their Centennial Celebration going on and still going on. Tomorrow we have Bowling Tournament at Crystal, BDC which I will participate. The closing event for our centennial celebration is a Dinner at BCCK, attend by our CM. Our theme for the dinner is Diamond and White Tie hehe.
Its me alone here in the office. Others had going out doing their things. I just not feeling well and dont feel to drive. If i were to going out at this time, someone will have to be my driver but looks like it aint any. My body aching is killing me. Think that is a sign for my period time. Or maybe because of the KFC. Yesterday my office colleague bought KFC and shared it with everyone. I had two pieces of it and then went down to have teh tarik and fried mee with my friend. After the mee, I was fully loaded and wish not to eat the mee. Until now, I still have butterfly in my stomach and this vormit feeling. It makes me going crazy but have to chill myself down because I still have 4 hours 30 minutes to go with.
One of my colleague bought a new house and she is busy with all the decorating, furniture, bla bla bla which make me jealoues of it!! Wish I had my own house. Sob sob sob! I did apply for the low cost housing with Housing Development Corporation but they lost my apllication form and instructed to see them at the office to key in my detail in the system. Sadly, they put me in the waiting list because they already full offer it to other applicants. I mean, its not fair for me. I applied it on November 2010 and they consider I was a new applicant based on the date they enter my detail in their system. Come on...it was you who lost my form. If they based on the date in the system, whats the used of 'Borang Penerimaan'???????????????????????????? The staff give me two option:
1) waiting list - to replace rejected apllicant
2) wait for Phase 2 ------>>>>> which is in Year 2015!!!!
I had waited for almost 2 years and had given this excuse. It makes me sad. Very sad.
Right now, I just pray that they will call and offer me the house soon this year.
This makes me not in the mood.
If someone out there can help me, please please help me get that house because I cannot afford expensive housing.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Geram aku. Sakidl tekak n batuk datang lagik. Sakit nyawa kedak tok.dah la ish susah ada nak naip k hp tpk alu ilang mood nak update huh!!!!!!!v

Monday, April 9, 2012

entah tiba2 jak aku teringat ngan berat bdn aku. mun sik silap end of march aku pegi dana economy ada nangga timbang teruslah aku timbang dirik. berat aku pakegy timbang ya 56.5kg

Monday, April 2, 2012


baruk pas abis cuci baju..fuh nang kepak lah..ngantok2 pun tahan juak setegal nak habiskan kerja umah huhu

Saturday, February 18, 2012


1. Hanya 5% bayi yang lahir pada tarikh EDD (Estimated Due Date) mereka. Kebanyakannya lahir antara minggu ke 37 dan 42 kehamilan.

2. Sehingga bersalin, rahim ibu akan mengembang 500 kali ganda dari saiz normal untuk menampung kandungannya.

3. Purata darah yang hilang melalui proses kelahiran normal adalah 500ml.

4. 80% wanita mengalami sindrom “Baby Blues” semasa 2 minggu terawal selepas bersalin disebabkan oleh perubahan hormon badan.

5. Hanya 1 daripada 10 wanita mengalami pecah air ketuban sebelum proses bersalin bermula. Kebanyakan wanita hanya akan mengalaminya apabila mereka telah bersedia untuk meneran keluar bayi.

6. Badan manusia hanya mampu menanggung kesakitan sehingga 45 Del. Tetapi semasa bersalin ibu akan mengalami sehingga 57 Del yang bersamaan dengan 20 tulang dipatahkan serentak. 

7. Apabila seorang ibu mula sakit hendak bersalin, tercatatlah pahala jihad baginya.

8. Apabila seorang ibu melahirkan anak, terhapuslah dosa-dosa lepas bagi wanita itu.

9. Ibu bersalin akan dapat pahala 70 tahun solat dan puasa. 

10. Setiap kesakitan pada satu uratnya, Allah hadiahkannya pahala menunaikan haji.

*from fb Norhayati. TQ.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Been at the concert sunday night. There is so many people. Never in my mind there will be children and infant there but I was shocked to see most of the parents bring along their children. I also notice there are young parents who bring together their infant. I was worried about their baby. It was windy and cold night time for babies. I just pray that nothing bad will happen to them. Anyway, lets go back to the concert. Local Iban band, MASTERPIECE, had been honoured to do the opening. At first when I heard the music, I was like wow this is ROCK but when the singer start to sing, I dont understand words that came from his mouth. Even their second song, he seem like lost his voice. Like he was murmuring. Too bad. I dont know others but honestly the singer have to practise more so that audience can know and understand whats he trying to say in the song. And second performance is from a girl, Tisha Tia. By this time, a lot of audience get angry. They cant hardly wait for Amy to be in action. 
On the way to the stadium, I was thinking about all the old school fashion of rock with all the tight pants and hanging fitting shirt and lather jacket, long hair, fanatic rock fan but actually it didnt turn out exactly what I was thinking.  Almost all of the audience still with their normal wears, of course got 3-4 fanatic fan still with the old school fashion. I noticed they wear some kind of boots, lather jacket. There's one guy with curly long hair. Its funny though but its their right to wear what they like and what they comfortable with.
When time come for Amy, all get excited. All rise and want to see better view of Amy to perform. Some of the song, I never heard. I'm not a fanatic fan so its nothing when I dont know their song. At the end of the concert, he did give something for their fan to remember. I can see balls, drum sticks and the rest I dont know. Lucky for front row audience. We, at the back, can only watch and share the moments.
I see some of my colleagues there too, but I'm trying to avoid them. Dont want them to see me there. Dont know why.
We reached home at about 1.30 am, so damn tired!
Thats all I want to share about how I spent my New Year Night. Till next time.