Friday, December 11, 2009

Dog Walks 70 Miles Through Desert to Find Marine

Nubbs would do anything to find his owner.
Major Brian Dennis, a Florida resident, was in Iraq when he first met this mixed breed dog. When Dennis found him, the dog had been abused and his ears were cut off. Dennis decided to name him Nubbs.

Dennis wrote to his mother back in the U.S. of how he found out that Nubbs’ ears were purposely cut off by an Iraqi to make him look more tough and more alert. Nubbs was supposed to have been a fighting dog.

During the four months they knew each other, Nubbs and Dennis became close. Dennis shared his frustration and distress with his mother whenever Nubbs was hurt and abused like when he had been stabbed with a screwdriver.

Dennis nursed Nubbs back to health, and the two even slept together to stay warm in the frigid temperatures.

All was well except when one day, Dennis was ordered to move his squadron 70 miles away and had to leave Nubbs.

But two days later after Dennis had moved, Nubbs came along and gave Dennis the surprise of a lifetime. The dog had walked 70 miles in the desert in 18 degree temperatures while he was still recovering from his wound to find Dennis.

But then someone reported that Dennis had a dog, and Dennis was told that he had four days to get rid of the dog or Nubbs would be shot.

Dennis would not abandon Nubbs after all that they had been through and he wanted to bring the dog to safety. He wrote to his mom, “Nubbs was going to America, this dog had been through a lifetime of fighting war, abuse, and had tracked our team over 70 miles of harsh desert (and) was going to live the good life.”

An email campaign was started by Dennis and within two days, three thousand dollars was raised to bring Nubbs home.

Nubbs was transported to the U.S. and a family will take care of him until Dennis and him can be reunited again.

Dennis’ mother said, “I almost feel like Brian is his guardian angel and maybe he is Brian’s guardian angel.”

Cerita kat atas ni memang sedih sangat. Cerita mengenai ketaatan dan kesetiaan. Kejujuran, kasih sayang disulami keikhlasan dan paling penting rasa kemanusiaan terhadap sesama mahkluk di dunia yang sementara ini.
Sedangkan binatang lagi mengenang budi tuan nya tetapi masa sekarang manusia seolah-olah bertukar tempat dan peranan dengan binatang. Ada yang sanggup membunuh darah daging sendiri, merosakkan maruah dan masa depan, mengabaikan ibu bapa malahan mendera dan membunuh anak sendiri yang masih kecil. Sesungguhnya manusia zaman akhir ini terlalu melampaui batasan perikemanusiaan. Laknat mereka itu.
Gara-gara kenikmatan dunia yang sementara mereka tegar melakukan apa saja. Zaman sekarang ni IMAN kena kuat kalau tidak alamat hanyut lah ke lembah kehinaan dan kerakusan dunia.
Jika rasa susah nak mengawal sifat zalim itu, sedikit demi sedikit tanamkanlah sifat malu, belas kasihan, perasaan bersalah dan takut akan siksa tuhan . Insya'allah jika kuat melawan sifat zalim, akan menang jua umat Muhammad s.a.w.

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